Full list of publications
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Starke G, et al. Finding consensus on trust in AI in healthcare: recommendations from a panel of international experts J Med Internet Res 2025. To appear.
Frischknecht-Gruber et al., AI Assessment in Practice: Implementing a Certification Scheme for AI Trustworthiness (Academic Track). In Symposium on Scaling AI Assessments (SAIA 2024). Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Volume 126, pp. 15:1-15:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2025)
Denzel et al. Towards the Certification of AI-based Systems. IEEE Swiss Data Science Conference - SDS2024. Zurich, Switzerland.
McKinney et al. Integrating Innovation: the Role of Standards in Promoting Responsible Development of Human-Machine Systems in Handbook of Human-Machine Systems (eds Fortino, G., Kaber, D., Nürnberger, A. & Mendonca, D.) (Wiley, 2023). doi:10.1002/9781119863663.ch35.
Dell’Agnola F. et al. Machine-Learning Based Monitoring of Cognitive Workload in Rescue Missions with Drones. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Early Access
Ienca et al. Towards a Governance Framework for Brain Data. Neuroethics 15, 20 (2022).
Huggins J. E., et al. Workshops of the eighth international brain–computer interface meeting: BCIs: the next frontier, Brain-Computer Interfaces, 9:2, 69-101 (2022)
Batzianoulis et al. Customizing Skills for Assistive Robotic Manipulators: An Inverse Reinforcement Learning Approach with Error-Related Potentials. Nature Communications Biology. 4, 1406 (2021)
Eke et al. International Data Governance for Neuroscience. Neuron, 110(4), 600–612. (2021)
Simmler et al. A Survey of Un-, Weakly-, and Semi-Supervised Learning Methods for Noisy, Missing and Partial Labels in Industrial Vision Applications. 2021 8th Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS), 2021, pp. 26-31, doi: 10.1109/SDS51136.2021.00012. (2021)
Meng et al. EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces Are Vulnerable to Backdoor Attacks. (arXiv 2011.00101v2) (2021)
Delaux et al. Mobile brain/body imaging of landmark-based navigation with high-density EEG, European Journal of Neuroscience, 54(12, 8256-8282 (2021)
Selected publications on neurotechnologies
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Chavarriaga R. et al. Decoding neural correlates of cognitive states to enhance driving experience. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 2, 288–297 (2018)
Chavarriaga R., Fried-Oken M., Kleih S., Lotte F. & Scherer R. Heading for new shores! Overcoming pitfalls in BCI design. Brain-Computer Interfaces 4, 60–73 (2017)
Min B.-K., Chavarriaga R. & Millán J. d. R. Harnessing prefrontal cognitive signals for brain-machine interfaces. Trends in Biotechnology. 2017
Saeedi S., Chavarriaga R. & Millán J. d. R. Long-Term Stable Control of Motor-Imagery BCI by a Locked-In User Through Adaptive Assistance. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25, 380–391 (2017)
Lee K., Liu D., Perroud L., Chavarriaga R., & Millán J. d. R. A brain-Controlled exoskeleton with cascaded event-related desynchronization classifiers. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2017
Iturrate I., Chavarriaga R., Montesano L., Minguez J. & Millán J. d. R. Teaching brain-machine interfaces as an alternative paradigm to neuroprosthetics control. Scientific Reports 5 (2015)
Zhang H., Chavarriaga R. & Millán J. d. R. Discriminant brain connectivity patterns of performance monitoring at average and single-trial levels. NeuroImage 120, 64–74 (2015)
Chavarriaga R., Sobolewski A. & Millán J. d. R. Errare machinale est: The use of error-related potentials in brain-machine interfaces. Frontiers in Neuroscience 8, 208 (2014)
Roggen D, Tröster G, Lukowicz P, Ferscha A, Millán, J. d. R. & Chavarriaga. Opportunistic human activity and context recognition. IEEE Computer 46 (2013)
Perrin X., Chavarriaga R., Colas F., Siegwart R. & Millán J. d. R. Brain-coupled interaction for semi-autonomous navigation of an assistive robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. (2010)