The process of developing and deploying emerging technologies is clouted in uncertainty at technical, ethical, and societal levels. Understanding where are we now and possible scenarios these technologies can bring about is essential to shape their transition from proof-of-concept systems to adopted products.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) can be a useful guideline to developers and entrepreneurs in emerging technologies. A first principle to consider is the moral justification and proportionality of the proposed solutions. Careful analysis of the known risks and benefits should guide decisions on development and deployment of technological solutions. Moreover, it is advised to take a proactive stance on the ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Implications) implications of these technologies. As the some of the risks of these technologies can only be discovered once they are deployed to their customers, developers should establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and mitigation of the effects of their technologies. Importantly, consumers should consider these products and services as being in continuous development and that there are underlying risks both known and unknown. Consequently, legal frameworks should provide efficient mechanisms for user protection, as well as clearly define liability and accountability issues in the case unknown risks materialize.

RRI Principles

I am engaged in several initiatives aimed at promoting a responsible research and innovation approaches for emerging technologies. First and foremost, I head the Swiss office of the European CLAIRE Initiative on human-centred Artificial Intelligence. I also work with IEEE Sandards Association by chairing the group on Neurotechnologies for Brain-Machine Interface. This group is aimed at identifying gaps and priorities for standardization in this field. I also contributed to to the OECD working paper on Responsible Innovation for Neurotechnology Enterprises released in Autumn 2019


Recent Activities (Selection)

Sponsors and partners

CAIRNE logo  Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ZHAW Geneva Center for Security Policy
IEEE Brain Initiative IEEE Standards Association OECD OpenGeneva 2019